Reduce cellulite

How to Get Rid of Cellulite with Home Remedies

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. Updated: January 25, 2017
How to Get Rid of Cellulite with Home Remedies

Cellulite or orange peel skin is a very common problem for many women, which are obliged to continuously deal with this affection to show off a defined figure and firm skin. Cellulite is an accumulation of fat, toxins and water in certain parts of our body, especially in the thighs, hips, stomach and buttocks. A balanced diet and exercise are key to fight it, but if you also want to take advantage of some natural products, in this OneHowTo article we will give you some tips on how to get rid of cellulite with home remedies.

You may also be interested in: How Coffee Will Get Rid of Your Cellulite


  1. Seaweed extract to reduce cellulite
  2. Horsetail tea to reduce cellulite
  3. Homemade anti-cellulite compresses
  4. Coffee scrub
  5. Apple cider vinegar for cellulite
  6. How to get rid of cellulite with food

Seaweed extract to reduce cellulite

Seaweed is excellent to improve blood circulation, the lymphatic system and toning skin. This is why it's become one of the best home remedies to get rid of cellulite and have much prettier skin.


Arame and kombu seaweed


Toast 100 grams arame seaweed and 5 grams of kombu seaweed in a pan. Then place the toasted seaweed in a liter of water and boil until reduced to 1/2 liter of liquid. Drain well and squeeze. Boil again to reduce the water to 1/4 liter.


It is recommended that you take a soup spoonful a day of this extract. If you take this with an acidic ingredient such as lemon the minerals will be much better absorbed.

How to Get Rid of Cellulite with Home Remedies - Seaweed extract to reduce cellulite

Horsetail tea to reduce cellulite

Horsetail is a herb that, when turned into infused tea, can prove excellent to get rid of toxins in our body and fight water retention, two things that favor the reduction of cellulite.


Dry horsetail, water


Place two tablespoons of dried and crushed tail horse in a liter of water and bring to the boil for two or three minutes. Leave to stand for 15 minutes and rinse.


Drink a cup of this tea a day. You can add a little sugar so it tastes better.

How to Get Rid of Cellulite with Home Remedies - Horsetail tea to reduce cellulite

Homemade anti-cellulite compresses

Apart from horsetail, there are other therapeutic herbs that are also ideal to fight cellulite; two of them are ivy and sage. They both have anti-inflammatory properties for sub-cutaneous tissues and prevent water retention.


Water, ivy and sage.


Take a pot or other container and fill it with two liters of water. Put inside two large handfuls of ivy and two of sage. Leave to soak for 24 hours. After this time strain it so that you are only left with water.


Thoroughly wet a towel with the mixture and apply to the area where there is cellulite.

How to Get Rid of Cellulite with Home Remedies - Homemade anti-cellulite compresses

Coffee scrub

Caffeine is one of the most efficient substances that exist to get rid of cellulite; in fact, there are many anti-cellulite lotions that include it as a main ingredient. It reactivates blood circulation and reduces the formation of grease nodules.


Half a cup of ground coffee and 2 spoonfuls of olive oil.


In a blow, pour the ground coffee and add the olive oil. Stir so both ingredients are properly mixed.


Apply this coffee scrub on the area with cellulite massaging with circular movements for 10 minutes. Then, cover the area with cling film and leave it to stand for 20 minutes. After this time, get rid of the coffee with lukewarm water.

Discover more details in our article on how coffee will get rid of your cellulite.

Apple cider vinegar for cellulite

Apple cider vinegar is another of the most popular home remedies to get rid of cellulite that you can try out. This product avoids accumulation of fat, favors elimination of toxins and is a good aid to firm skin.


2 spoonfuls of apple cider vinegar, 2 liters water, 1 teaspoonful honey or sweetener.


Add the apple cider vinegar to the 2 liters of water and stir to get an even mix. Add the honey or sweetener to give it a nicer taste.

Discover more details about this treatment on our article how to use apple cider vinegar to treat cellulite.

How to Get Rid of Cellulite with Home Remedies - Apple cider vinegar for cellulite

How to get rid of cellulite with food

There are certain foods that help get rid of cellulite, which is why you should add them to your daily diet. We especially recommend the following:

  • Vegetables: carrots, tomatoes, cabbage, artichoke, broccoli, lettuce.
  • Fruit: Raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, avocado, kiwi, orange, lemon, grapefruit, mandarin, melon, pear.
  • Wholemeal cereal.
  • Olive oil.
  • Oatmeal.
  • Teas: dandelion, green tea, horsetail, meadowsweet.

If you want to read similar articles to How to Get Rid of Cellulite with Home Remedies, we recommend you visit our Beauty & Personal Care category.

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How to Get Rid of Cellulite with Home Remedies